The Exciting Procedure of Fat Transfer

Fat can be a good thing? According to Dr. Mark Jensen, it definitely can! As a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Jensen says that fat “is like liquid gold.” When transferred from a problem area to somewhere else that needs correction, fat becomes the perfect tool for many reconstructive procedures.
What it does
Because fat is a natural substance, it is an excellent tool to work with when doing reconstructive surgery. The surgeon can remove fat from a problem area, like the stomach or hips, and transfer it to the breasts or face (the two most common transfer areas). Fat transfers effectively smooth, lift, and rejuvenate areas degraded by sickness or old age.
Why do it
This procedure is very popular for breast cancer patients. After beating cancer, patients are often left with lumpy or deformed breasts. A fat transplant will fill in the gaps and reform the breast. Other patients receive fat transplants to their face which can dramatically decrease the signs of aging. Fat transfers can also be used for augmentation of the breasts or buttocks.
A fat transfer is a very natural, healthy, and effective procedure. Not only does the result look more natural than artificial implants, but the stem cells in the fat work wonders when it comes to healing. Thanks to the stem cells, reconstructed breasts will become soft again and grow and shrink naturally as the rest of your body does. When used in facial transplants, stem cells also help to reverse the signs of aging and truly make you look young again.
If you are interested in learning about more uses and benefits of fat transplants, call or visit Dr. Mark Jensen’s office. He and his friendly staff are here to help you love your body once again!