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Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures producing a very high degree of patient satisfaction.

 Most often the goal is larger and fuller breasts, but augmentation is also done to balance breasts that aren’t quite the same size or shape or in patients who have congenital breast deformity.

Breast Implants

Implants are typically inserted through incisions made in the fold below the breast. The incisions are usually between 3 to 4 cm long—just enough to create a pocket for inserting the breast implant. The implant is placed either just behind the breast tissue or under the pectoral (chest) muscle. Only the highest quality smooth breast implants are used. Go to Types of Breast Implants to learn about the different kinds of implants that are available. Implant surgery is done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The procedure usually takes 1 to 2 hours.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer is an increasingly popular option for those seeking a modest increase in breast size. Fat cells obtained by liposuction from the patient’s own body (usually from the belly or thighs) are “micro-grafted” into the breasts using special cannulas. Scarring is minimal since the fat is harvested and transferred through tiny incisions. Fat transfer typically increases breasts by one-half to one cup size per session. Multiple sessions of fat grafting may be performed to obtain the desired enhancement. Since the enlargement is formed from your own fat cells, changes in your body habitus can affect the size of your breasts. Your mammogram can change following this procedure, so this should be disclosed to your radiologist at the time of your mammogram. Fat grafting could be the right choice for someone seeking a modest increase in breast volume who would also benefit from a little liposuction.

Breast Augmentation Recovery and Results

The results of breast augmentation surgery are visible right away, and most patients can return to work or their regular routines after taking it easy for a few days or a week. Pain medication may be prescribed for the initial discomfort during breast augmentation recovery. Some soreness and swelling can be expected to continue for a few weeks. The implants will typically ride high for several months until the soft tissues and muscle stretch and the implants drop into their natural pocket. You should avoid any heavy lifting or aerobic-type exercise for several weeks.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Bras

After surgery, you will be placed in a soft bra that buttons in the front for ease of use. During the recovery period you may use any soft bra that fits comfortably. Do not use an underwire bra for 4-6 weeks or until your incisions are completely healed. Sizing for a new bra should be delayed until the swelling has resolved and the implants have dropped into their natural position.

Types of Breast Implants

One important decision is which kind of implant to use for breast augmentation. There are two main types: silicone and saline. Both start with a silicone shell, but one is filled with silicone and the other is filled with salt water. They come in many different sizes and shapes to accommodate different anatomies. Another option may be fat transfer—not a single implant but multiple injections. Dr. Jensen will help you determine what is likely to work best for your body and your personal goals. Keep in mind that breast implants are not lifetime devices, and surgery may be needed to replace them at some point.

Silicone breast implants are filled with a silicone gel material that mimics the elasticity and feel of real breast tissue. While leakage and migration of the gel were significant problems in early implants, that risk is decreased with modern versions. Today’s silicone implants are made with a stronger shell and a silicone filling that’s more cohesive, less liquid. If an implant does rupture, the gel generally remains in the implant pocket and surgery is needed to remove the implant. Since there may not be any symptoms of a rupture, regular screenings are needed to make sure silicone breast implants are intact. These implants are pre-filled, so their size isn’t adjustable once they’re in place. Silicone implants are FDA-approved for women 22 and older.

The term ‘Gummy Bear’ breast implant refers to a type of silicone implant that is more cohesive. That means that instead of containing a liquid form of silicone, the silicone molecules are molecularly bonded together. When cut open, a gummy bear or cohesive implant maintains its form similar to a warm gummy bear that is cut open. More breast-like in form than traditional implants, they have a very dense, cohesive silicone gel filling that allows them to hold their shape and makes them less subject to rippling. They have the added benefit of retaining more volume or fullness in the upper portion of the breast.

Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution during the surgery. They are inserted deflated into the breast and then filled to the desired volume while sitting in place in the breast. This allows them to be inserted using a smaller incision. It also means that the volume can be adjusted at the time of surgery to help mask minor assymetry. Saline breast implants have the advantage that if they do rupture, the saline solution is simply absorbed by the body and eliminated naturally. Although they lack the natural feel of silicone, women typically choose them for the added peace of mind. Saline implants are FDA-approved for women 18 and older.

Ideal Implants are a special type of saline implant created to have a more silicone like feel. They are similar to traditional saline implants in safety, but feel much more natural. Where a normal saline implant consists of a single bag of saline, the Ideal implant includes an inner and outer pouch with baffles to slow the internal movement of saline through the implant. This gives the implant less of a water balloon feel. It is analogous to a single bladder water bed vs. a water bed with internal baffles. With a single bladder water bed, when you push on one side waves in the mattress are easily created. The internal baffles in the mattress impede the waves and dampens the movement making the bed much less wavy. Similarly, the baffles inside the implant make the implant feel more natural.

Saline or silicone? There’s no single correct answer. Patients who choose silicone implants tend to value the more natural look and feel of silicone. Patients who choose saline sacrifice the feeling of silicone gel in exchange for the peace of mind that saline implants offer. Discuss the options with Dr Jensen at the time of your consultation. He and his staff can help you decide which implant is right for you.

Fat transfer is an increasingly popular option for those seeking a modest increase in breast size. Fat cells obtained by liposuction from the patient’s own body (usually from the belly or thighs) are “micro-grafted” into the breasts using special cannulas. Scarring is minimal since the fat is harvested and transferred through tiny incisions. Fat transfer typically increases breasts by one-half to one cup size per session. Multiple sessions of fat grafting may be performed to obtain the desired enhancement. Since the enlargement is formed from your own fat cells, changes in your body habitus can affect the size of your breasts. Your mammogram can change following this procedure, so this should be disclosed to your radiologist at the time of your mammogram. Fat grafting could be the right choice for someone seeking a modest increase in breast volume who would also benefit from a little liposuction.

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