Winter Skin Care: Easy Steps to Glowing Skin

With each change in the season, our skin also changes. Winter, especially in Utah, is notoriously harsh and dry on our skin. Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which steals moisture away from the skin every day. Indoor heating systems also dry out the air. That can and will take a serious toll on our skin, but there are some great remedies to help maintain a healthy glow and hydrated skin!
Favorite Skin Treatments
Although winter is not a favorite time of year for your skin, it is the BEST time of year to take advantage of some favorite skin treatments in our office with our aesthetician.
- Chemical Peel series – Doing a series of 3 to 4 chemical peels can help to rid your skin of all the damage done in the summer. It helps to promote cell turnover, allowing new, fresh skin to regenerate.
- Sublative Laser – This laser promotes collagen and elastin to renew in the skin. Because it is an aggressive treatment, it leaves your skin more vulnerable to sun damage. For that reason, winter is the perfect and ideal time to have this treatment done.
- HydraFacial Treatment – This facial is perfect for hydrating the skin all winter long. Winter has a tendency to dry out our skin, so a treatment that moisturizers and hydrates is perfect. Consistent HydraFacial treatments will do wonders for maintaining a healthy glow!
At-home Skin Care Plan
In addition to in-office treatments, participating with a consistent, recommended at-home skincare plan is an essential part in maintaining healthy skin during the harsh winter.
- Antioxidant Serum – Utah winters are not only dry, but they can be dirty. The inversion is full of pollutants and free radicals that take all the goodness (i.e. collagen, elastin, hydration) from our skin. An antioxidant serum is the only thing that can stop the free radicals, ultimately helping to prevent environmental aging. We can help you find the right antioxidant serum for your skin type and budget.
- Sunscreen – We’ve put our beach towels and swimsuits away, but that doesn’t mean we can put our sunscreen away. UVA/UVB rays are still harmful. Sunscreen is a definite must AND prevents against sun damage aging. We have a variety of sunscreens that are specific to skin types. We can help you find the best one for you!
Dry skin can be uncomfortable and irritating. Don’t let the winter weather affect your skin. We are excited for you to use these tips to help achieve healthy, radiant skin this winter.
Side note: Winter is also a great time of year to start thinking ahead. Laser hair removal and miraDry are two treatments to consider doing during the winter months in order to have the best results by summer!