MiraDry Treatment Near Me!

Among the many services Mark H. Jensen M.D. offers, miraDry treatments are available. With 4 million sweat glands found throughout the body, there are quite a few circumstances that can get these sweat glands active; an intense workout, a laborious day or even event-driven anxiety can trigger excessive sweating such as a big important meeting. Needless to say, everyone sweats due to some event or activity. It is a perfectly naturally reaction and contributes to skin hydration, along with the balancing of electrolytes and fluids within your body. But for those that suffer from excessive underarm perspiration, it can be a major hindrance in life rather than a beneficial gain.
Mira Dry: A Lasting Non-invasive Solution for Excessive Underarm Sweat
Underarm sweat is something no-one wants to deal with. In addition to the embarrassing odor, when sweat soaks through the arms of your shirt it causes unsightly sweat circles to appear. This condition is called hyperhidrosis. These sweat marks can give away the fact that you may be feeling nervous or anxious. Even if you weren’t feeling these emotions before, you are sure to feel uncomfortable when people keep staring at your armpits! But don’t despair, there is now an easy solution to this embarrassing problem!
Axillary Hyperhidrosis (AKA Excessive Sweating) Condition Symptoms
The abundance of sweat continually flowing from the underarm area is due to axillary hyperhidrosis. This occurs when the sweat glands remain active, even when unnecessary. The sweat at this point is no longer engaged to help you feel more comfortable, but instead is making you feel awkward, uncomfortable and self-conscious. It also can ruin your clothing and cause you to avoid social interactions. Approximately 4 million people in the U.S. suffer from sweating profusely from their underarms causing them to have a lesser quality of life.
MiraDry: The Answer to Excessive Underarm Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
MiraDry is a novel system that targets and destroys the sweat and odor glands in your underarm. For those who suffer from sweaty arm pits on a regular basis, this treatment is the answer for a new-found freedom from embarrassment and a source of renewed confidence. It will prevent your armpits from leaving unsightly sweat marks on your clothing and helps to prevent embarrassing odors as well. The Miradry treatment also reduces or eliminates the need to use harsh antiperspirant products as well.

New Hyperhidrosis Treatment Procedure
The MiraDry treatment is an easy process. The Nurse Practitioner will mark the treatment area of your underarm and numb the area. Then your underarms will be treated with the MiraDry machine which destroys those pesky sweat glands. Your sweat glands will be drastically reduced. You will not have to worry about sweaty arm pits or offensive odors coming from your underarms. The treatment is complete in about one to two hours and you will see results in as little as one treatment. A second treatment may be needed. Your physician will determine the best protocol for your desired results.
Professional MiraDry Treatment Application
Dr. Mark H. Jensen and his staff will ensure your absolute comfort and confidence in this effective procedure. You will receive the greatest care and comfort possible throughout the MiraDry procedure and gain a new level of confidence from the wonderful results this solution to underarm sweat has to offer. Call Dr Jensen’s office to learn more about MiraDry today!
MiraDry Procedure; a Permanent Solution to Excessive Sweating
Mark Jensen M.D. Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery has a solution with miraDry procedures to treat your axillary hyperhidrosis. Where many people assume the only treatments available are prescription deodorants or oral medications, we want to let the people of Utah know there is an alternative. The prescriptions and oral medications at best offer temporary relief. They are more frequently documented as ineffective for a long term solution. Cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, miraDry procedures are noninvasive. miraDry delivers energy to the sweat glands underarms for one hour, in order to destroy it. Sweat glands do not repair themselves or grow back which gives your confidence back. In miraDry procedure studies, it has shown that miraDry achieves an average of 82% sweat reduction. 9+ out 10 patients were satisfied with their results!
Contact Mark Jensen M.D. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery office to schedule your appointment if one or more of the below factors affects you:
- Unexplainable prolonged sweating
- Social events cause you anxiety which triggers excessive sweating, or you avoid them altogether due to your sweating problem
- Constant sweating deters you from wearing styles of clothing or fabric materials you desire
- You keep your activities to a minimum in an attempt to reduce the sweating.
If you want to learn more about the miraDry procedure for treating excessive underarm sweat, call Mark H. Jensen Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery today to schedule your appointment!